We’re very excited that this award winning book has just come out as an ebook! There’s audio and sound effects to help your keiki read along and the colors just pop on a digital screen.

To celebrate, we’re doing a keiki book review for our blog-a-thon!

Surf’s Up for Kimo (Island Paradise Publishing, 2008) by Kerry Germaine, is a story about a young boy on the North Shore who dreams of surfing. He hangs out at the beach and watches the older boys surf, wishing he could be like them. Eventually he asks one of the older boys to teach him how to surf and the first thing he learns is how to be a strong swimmer. He swims everyday until he can swim out to the surf line with the others. But surfing isn’t easy and Kimo learns that it takes lots of practice to ride the waves. His mother and his surfing brothers all encourage him to keep trying and never give up and eventually the surf is up for Kimo and he’s gliding across the water like he always dreamed.

This colorful story teaches your keiki to follow their dreams and never give up. Practice hard and give it your best shot and you will be successful too. The oil painting illustrations by Keoni Montes makes you want to jump into the ocean  and paddle out with Kimo and the native plant designs at the bottom of each page are a nice touch.

Five shakas for Surf’s Up for Kimo!